위키피디아에 나와있는 바로는
CCNA is the acronym for the Cisco Certified Network Associate certification from Cisco. In speech and in writing, this certification is properly referred to by the initials CCNA rather than the full name.
CCNA certification is a first-level Cisco Career certification and indicates a foundation in and apprentice knowledge of networking. CCNA certification validates the ability to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot medium-size routed and switched networks, including implementation and verification of connections to remote sites in a WAN. To become cisco certified, a passing score on the 640-802 exam must be achieved, there are no other requirements (such as hours).
네트워크 관련 지식을 다루는 초급레벨이라고 해석해야하나...;
640-802 exam <= 이게 바로 앞으로 쳐야할 시험의 번호다.